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Boys on a hike looking at the mountains from the top of White Rocks

Wilderness Trips

"May your trails be crooked, winding lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds."


     - Edward Abbey

Being located in a particularly scenic section of the country with the Appalachian Trail and Vermont's Long Trail running along our western border, we are able to offer a wide variety of wilderness trips. Our campers can enjoy firsthand the deep forest, clear streams, and beautiful mountains of New England.

Campers have the opportunity to backpack some of the many challenging Vermont trails that cross the region, to bushwhack through unmarked territory, and to take a breathtaking dip in an icy stream. But what a shame it would be simply to travel the leaf-carpeted trails through the woods and know nothing about nature and the miracles taking place all around.

A camper relaxes on a wilderness hike

At Night Eagle, with the help of counselors who know the wilderness and like to share their enthusiasm for the outdoors, boys will learn to recognize plant and animal life in the mountains and appreciate their place in the ecosystem. They explore the wonders of nature as they learn to live safely and comfortably on the trail -- no matter what the weather -- with the least possible disruption of the woodlands they are using. Campers will have opportunities to continuously develop outdoor skills, which may even include trail construction and maintenance.

Trail clearing, orienteering, creek hiking, swamp romping, bushwhacking, or ridge hiking? Each hike is unique and offers its own challenges. Campers and counselors work together as they choose a trip and plan the itinerary, menu, and gear list. Then, after reviewing safety procedures, they are off on an adventure in the Green Mountain National Forest, one of the most naturally diverse forests in the world.

A boy jumping out of a lake
Two boys look up at White Rocks in Wallingford Vermont
Campers and staff pose for a picutre during a three day overnight hike to Bromley Mountain in Vermont
Group photo of boys on a three-day hike on the Appalachian Trail
Counselor shows campers how to pack for a three-day hike
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