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A boy swimming underwater in Little Rock Pond

Staff Frequently Asked Questions

How old do I need to be to work at Night Eagle?

Counselors must be at least 19 years old or have completed their first year in college. Our counselors are teachers, students, artists, craftsmen, and musicians who love the outdoors and working with young people. Each has his own special skill, but all are expected to be able to recognize unsafe conditions and to respond appropriately.


What does it take to work at Night Eagle?

At Night Eagle we are looking for mature, energetic, fun-loving counselors who love the outdoors, have a sense of adventure and a willingness to try new things, and can serve as positive role models for our campers. As a counselor you will spend your days and evenings with 10 to 15-year-olds doing all kinds of activities and playing a variety of games. You can expect to have many opportunities for personal growth as you lead activities and communicate with campers, peers, parents, and the director. 


What are the benefits of working at Night Eagle?

You will learn skills during the summer that are needed to be successful in any organization. Your time working at camp will help you develop flexibility integrity, and empathy. You'll gain experience in exercising judgment in a variety of situations, taking initiative, communicating effectively, strengthening your work ethic, and enhancing your leadership skills.


Where will I live if I work at camp?

All counselors at Night Eagle live in 20 or 22 foot Lakota style tipis with four to five campers of various ages.

A camper and counselor pose together during a hike
A camper and counselor cook a meal over an open fire
A counselor carries a camper in a hand woven Adironback basket

“ I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen.”


- A. A. Milne

Is there a "dress code" at Night Eagle?

There is no “dress code” at camp. When parents drop off and pick up their sons, counselors are expected to dress casually, yet respectfully. Your appearance must instill confidence in the minds of our campers, parents, and the public and should not hinder you from being a strong role model for boys.


How many staff members are there?

In addition to our nurse, each summer we hire between 8 and 10 counselors and four assistant counselors. Staff have come from as far away as Lanarkshire, Scotland, and as nearby as Rutland, Vermont. Many staff form friendships at camp that last a lifetime.


Do I get any time off while working at camp?

Staff members are entitled to a weekly 24-hour day off throughout the camp season. The period chosen by the counselor will vary according to his needs and the needs of the camp. Once the counselor has chosen his day off (he may not choose the day his tipi has cook crew responsibilities), he is asked not to change it without consulting with the director, who ensures adequate camp coverage. Days off are not cumulative.  


Counselors will also be given one weekly evening off. The evening off will begin after the afternoon activities (approximately 5:00 P.M.) and will end before the campers go to bed. Evenings off and days off may not run consecutively. After consulting with the director, staff members may take food from the Night Eagle food shelter for use on their day off.

What can I do on my time off?

Camp is close to the cities of Rutland and Manchester, two popular tourist destinations. Many counselors spend their days off in the Rutland where they take in a movie and spend time in the city library using its public computers to catch up with family and friends. There are also two well-known summer stock playhouses in Dorset and in Weston (both of which are within 30-45 minutes of camp) that counselors have enjoyed.


If you have any special events that you need to attend during the summer, we will do our best to accommodate you. No matter what you choose to do on your day off, we expect you to be refreshed and ready to go when you return to camp.


Will I have internet access and cell phone service 

Because we offer our campers and staff a wilderness experience, Night Eagle is a Technology Free Zone. We ask that you leave your phone in your car or locked up in Nurse Trudy's office where you can leave your phone to charge safely. Phones may not be kept in the tipis with your campers.


Our campers are not allowed to use computers or phones at camp, which is one of the main reasons parents send us their sons. We ask that you use your phone on your time off away from campers. If you need to make an emergency phone call, you may arrange with the director to do so. 

What is your policy on alcohol, marijuana, and vaping?

Night Eagle's policy prohibits smoking, vaping, and the use of illegal drugs while on duty or on camp property. We hope that through our example and discussion we can help campers understand the effects these things have on our bodies. Absolutely NO alcoholic beverages may be brought onto camp property, nor can anyone return to camp under the influence. We also have a zero-tolerance policy with respect to underage drinking and intoxication.


Your commitment to being a camp counselor encompasses your days off also. Certainly, if you are 21 or older, you may drink responsibly on your day off. However, becoming involved in alcohol-related violations or returning to camp under the influence is grounds for dismissal.


Where do I do my laundry?

Night Eagle provides laundry service at no cost for all campers and staff every Friday. If you prefer to do your own laundry, there are many options available in Rutland.


Can a friend visit me at camp?

In order to protect the privacy of our campers and staff, meet the expectations of our insurance company, and avoid the disruption of our program, we do not allow guests or former staff members to visit camp while camp is in session. If you anticipate friends or family being in the area during the summer, we can help you arrange your days off to coincide with their visits. We encourage all campers and former staff members and their friends to participate in our fall and spring work and play weekends.

Do I need to have a physical before camp?

Health care at Night Eagle is in keeping with our philosophy of living simply and with concern for our bodies. Keeping well through eating correctly, maintaining cleanliness, getting enough rest and exercise, and paying attention to our emotional and physical needs is an important concern. As a counselor, you have the double responsibility of caring for yourself and your campers. Boys need help in learning to take care of themselves when they are away from their parents. You must pay close attention to their health needs.


Before coming to camp, all staff members must have a physical exam and submit a completed health form to the office. One side of this form (or an equivalent substitute) needs to be completed and signed by a licensed health practitioner who has examined you within the last two years. The other side of this health history form must be completed and signed by you. We will send you a blank health form when we send you your contract.


Can I bring my pet to camp?

Unfortunately, we cannot allow staff to bring pets to camp. If present, they could bother campers, fight with each other, and disrupt activities. They also may suffer encounters with local skunks, porcupines, and other wildlife.


What if something happens to my personal property?

Night Eagle’s insurance does not cover your personal property. You should check your insurance policies to be sure your gear is covered against loss, theft, or damage.

How much will I be paid?

Night Eagle offers a competitive pay scale that is comparable with other New England camps. Salaries begin at $300 per week with additional pay based on age, experience, education, certifications, responsibilities, and number of years on the Night Eagle staff. Benefits include tipi and board, limited health/accident insurance coverage, and Workers' Compensation insurance during your stay at camp.


Workers' Compensation Insurance is provided to cover accidents or illness incurred while working at camp. Limited health and accident insurance is also provided for all staff members. However, this insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions (e.g. allergies) or major medical problems. As this coverage is limited, we strongly urge you to have your own personal health insurance in place for any major health expenses. 


When will I be paid?

After completing a full week of employment, you may request weekly salary advances.  Salary advance requests need to be made several days before you need the advance. Any special requests may be granted at the discretion of the camp director. Salary advances are paid in cash, unless requested otherwise.  During the summer you may draw no more than 80% of your net salary in advance . 


Salary advances will only be distributed to counselors whose postcard/letter writing responsibilities are up to date. All your required paperwork (employment contract, health history form, W-4 form, I-9 form, and a criminal record check form) must be completed and on file in the office before you may receive your first salary advance:.


The balance of your salary will be paid to you by check at the end of camp when you have completed the assignments given by the director. Night Eagle checks are drawn on M&T Bank in Rutland and may be cashed there.

Do I need a car at camp?

Although a car is nice to have at camp, it’s not a necessity. You can usually find someone to hang out with on your day off or to take you to Wallingford (about 6 miles from camp). From there is a free bus shuttle that runs north to Rutland and south to Manchester. Burlington, the largest city in Vermont is only 90 minutes away. If you prefer the freedom of controlling your own time-off, then bringing a car is probably a wise decision.


If you do bring a car, it must be parked in the areas designated by the director. No vehicles are allowed in the camp area except in cases of emergency. We discourage you from lending your vehicle to other staff members.


If I'm on staff, can I bring my son to camp?

Yes. Tuition discounts are offered for the sons of staff members. If you are at camp for the full summer, the discount is two-thirds off the regular tuition. If you are at camp for part of the summer, the discount is pro-rated, based on the number of weeks employed. Camp tuition may be waived at the director’s discretion.


Can we accept tips?

Tips and gratuities to staff are prohibited.  Allowing them would create a dynamic that we are uncomfortable with. Some of our parents are stretching their budgets in order to make tuition payments. Nobody should be made to feel uncomfortable by the exchange of money during the last hours of a camp session. If parents mention wanting to show you their appreciation for a job well done, encourage them to make a contribution to the Night Eagle Campership Fund or to the camp library. Their donations will then be fully acknowledged by the camp office.

What are the grounds for dismissal?

Our role as caretakers and nurturers of the campers is a very serious one, and we will accept no improper conduct. Parents have chosen Night Eagle as a safe place for their children, and we must not disappoint them. You may be dismissed from work for any of the following reasons:

  1. Dereliction of duties.

  2. Actions that jeopardize the physical or emotional safety of the campers or staff.

  3. Use of illegal drugs or misuse of alcohol.


Will I be evaluated?

Staff members are encouraged to ask questions and seek advice. Throughout the summer, the director will meet, both formally and informally, to check in with you and review your work in camp. Evaluation will include such items as providing a positive role model for the campers, enforcing safety rules, using appropriate teaching techniques, encouraging camper growth, etc.


When do I need to be at camp?

Counselors need to be at camp for Staff Week, which begins with dinner on Sunday, the week before campers arrive. Staff Week is an important time because the kind of community the staff establishes will greatly influence the kind of community the camp becomes as the campers join and begin to work and live with you. In addition to setting up tipis and preparing camp for the summer, we spend time in discussions and training sessions. There are always plenty of things to do in preparation for the campers' arrival.

A camper and a couselor prepare mushrooms they found on a hike
A camper and counselor insulate a 55 gallon drum oven
A camper and a counselor talking on a rock
Survival skills - Two campers and a counselor smoking deer hides
A counselor explaining to a camper how to make a bow
Tipi Group  Photo
A camper with his counselor
Campers and counselor stare up at the camera for a tipi group photo
Campers and a counselor pose in a tipi door for a group photo
A camper and a summer camp counselor sit together
A summer camp counselor helps a camper fletch an arrow
A camp counselor and a camper holding a snake
A boy and counselor using a hand drill to make a fire
A counselor and his tipi group
A counselor doing magic for a camp
A counselor helps a camper with a craft
A camper and counselor playing Rattlesnake
A counselor shows a camper how to use a hand drill to make a fire
A group poses before leaving on a three day hike
A camper practicing with his bow drill
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