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Five boys playing home made didgeridoos

"We did not weave  the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the

web, we do to ourselves."


         - Seattle 

A camper wearing hand-beaded necklaces leans on a carved walking stick

Our Program 


As you will discover, Night Eagle offers a significant alternative to the typical summer camp program and provides a unique opportunity for boys to grow physically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally in a small, caring environment. 


The outdoor experiences gained at Night Eagle are intentionally different from those of our regular lives and are in keeping with the woods and lakes around us. We encourage boys to take advantage of a variety of activities and games and to develop new skills. Boys find excitement in the discovery of the subtleties of nature, the unexpected satisfaction of hard work, the pleasure in developing physical skills, the joy of honest friendships, and  especially, the fascination of getting to know themselves.


As one father wrote, “My son had a truly wonderful and wondrous time at Night Eagle. He has returned with a certain peace and quiet confidence that makes me even more proud of him. I don’t know how you do it, but please keep on doing what you do!”


How we do it is easy. We give boys space to be boys, surround them with nature-based activities, and listen to what they have to say. They take it from there!


There are few places left in this world like Night Eagle where boys can be themselves, get back to nature, and learn to rely on their own ingenuity. If a boy is looking for fun and adventure as well as a place to make lifelong friends, Night Eagle is the answer! 




Decentralized and non-regimented means that we like to give our campers as much choice as possible in choosing their daily activities. Activities are scheduled, but campers are not. Each morning after breakfast and again after rest hour, counselors announce the activities that they will be leading. After they have heard what activities will be offered, campers may then go to the counselor who will be leading the activities they are interested in.


There are no bells or conches to interrupt the activities. Both the morning and the afternoon activities are approximately two hours long, which gives the counselors and their campers ample time to delve into their activity, whether it  be treehouse building, canoeing, stalking and camouflage, or atlatl carving and throwing, and have fun learning and playing.


Boys mature by learning independence, self-discipline, and initiative, and many of the activities we offer require all three of these qualities. For example, after a boy has made  his personal bow drill set, he can be seen at various times during the day (rest hour, before or after meals) practicing as he learns how to get a coal. And more often than not, he will be surrounded by campers and staff members encouraging him and offering tips. When he is finally successful in starting his first bow drill fire, the entire camp celebrates his accomplishment. There are usually many failures before that happens, but we believe effort and reward are related, and we also know that the reward is always sweeter when it is earned.

Decentralized and Non-Regimented



  7:00   Polar Bear Club
  7:45   Wake Up/Circle Up
  8:00   Chore Period
  8:30   Breakfast
  9:15   Morning Reflection
  9:30   Morning Activities
11:30   General Swim
12:30   Lunch
  1:00   Rest Hour
  2:00   Afternoon Activities
  5:00   General Swim
  6:00   Supper
  7:00   Evening Activities
  9:00   Quiet Time in Tipis


Remember, since there are no clocks or watches at Night Eagle, all times are approximate or "Night Eagle time."

Staff and campers swimming at Buttermilk Falls Vermont
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