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A panoramic picture of a lake and Vermont autumn foliage

"All life is sacred and all reaction related. What we do affects the whole universe. So let us walk in balance with Mother Earth and all her peoples."  


        - Smiling Bear



Night Eagle was founded in 2000 as an independent, primitive, sleep-away camp for boys by Bruce Moreton and his family. 


The Moretons purchased the land in 1999, and working closely with the state of Vermont (biologists, foresters, health officials, Corps of Engineers), began the long process of reclaiming land that had been abused by the previous owners and laying the foundation of the camp.


Miles of fencing and cross fencing were taken down and recycled; dumpsters were filled with garbage that was removed from the forest and hauled off; a small three acre section was carved out of the forest to serve as the future site of camp; a well was drilled; a logging road was widened; and a large breach in the dam between our two lakes was repaired. 


After working extensively with health officials, a food

shelter was built and special permission was obtained from the state to use solar power, a first for camps in Vermont.


In July of 2000, Night Eagle opened with 16 campers (which included ten Lakota boys from Standing Rock Reservation in South Dakota) for one ten-day session. 


Much has changed since those early days. Grass has replaced the dirt in the clearing, two tipis  have grown in number to ten, and campers from 27 states and 12 countries have "discovered" Night Eagle. 



The sunset behind a Sioux tipi
A moose pauses next to the wetland
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